Saturday, August 4, 2007

Comm240 Blogger

In the movie Forest Gump, wouldn't it had been nice to have a GPS running watch during Forest's run across America. Well, if he had a GPS watch he could have known; exact location at all times, calculated his rate of speed, (a built-in compass to) travel on the right trails, and National Geographic’s online Topo mapping service to download maps. All this information in a wrist watch that connects and transmittes data from satillites.

Not only do runners use these watches to know their way around, but hikers, boaters and any other adventurers would find good use in a GPS watch. There are many type of GPS watch brands such as Casio, Timex, Garmin, and Suunto. Depending on how much you want to spend they range from $100-$500. The fitness GPS watches also track calories burned, heart rate and record an exercise log. Either way, all GPS watches are running off the same 27 satillites and extensive network of specially computers that calculate your exact location.

The best thing, in my opinion, is the size. Now GPS devices come in a miniature form. Who wants to run with a hand-held GPS system when you could just wear a watch.